Start botting today with the most advanced and well-made bot on the market in 2021. How do I use OSBot scripts To add some scripts to your client you must navigate to OSBot’s script repository. This repository includes Debian-based installation scripts for Old School RuneScape (OSRS), RuneScape 3 (RS3), and RuneMate Spectre.

Usage of RuneMate, the most advanced botting platform for both OSRS and RS3. Sure switching from upfront payment of the script might be a cool idea for some people, but for anyone actually trying to make money from botting, it's basically profit sharing. GitHub - austin-millan/runescape-bot: This repository includes. rs3 is dead, on osrs u get almost insta banned, i've been botting forever and buying rsgold and doing many more things on rs3 and never banned. Usage of the official runemate client with no injection whatsoever. Ban rates have objectively been the lowest over all platforms. I was looking at RuneMate but their RS3 support is currently down. Only broken bots or irresponsible suicide botting will get you banned. There are no public bots for the NXT client. You can look for AHK scripts or other macros. Personally, I use runemate because you pay by the hour for scripts as opposed to spending 5-20 on a script you may only use for 2 hours.
You can also use an Android emulator and create macros for the mobile client right inside the emulator. Youd damn near have to reverse engineer the NXT client to. If they ever want to expand, they have to pay more to not only the scripter, but also the client dev unlike the other clients. The only plus I would give them is they mostly support EOC.